Five Fall Prevention Tips

Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Help prevent falls with these simple fall prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard-proofing your home.
September 17, 2023
Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Help to prevent falls with these simple fall prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard-proofing your home.

Falls impact millions of people every day.  Not only the person sustaining the fall but all who love that person and want to take care of them. Multiple state fall prevention coalitions are bringing awareness to the seriousness of falls and the impact they have on individuals, families, communities, and the healthcare system.

Time Line of Fall Prevention Awareness Day:

* 1972- Alife-saving idea was born

​Dr.Andrew Dibner, a gerontologist, was the first person to think of a life alertservice that could call for emergency help when an elderly person is unable toget to their phone. It was known as the Automatic Alarm System.

1976 –Dr. Dibner was awarded the patent for Lifeline medical alert services.

1987 -Isaac Shepher creates Life Alert, a medical alert pendant that can be worn as necklace or a wristband.

2008 -Falls Prevention Awareness Day starts at the beginning of the fall season and more states join in as the years go on.

Facts About Falls

* Did you know more than one out of four adults, age 65 and older, fall each year but less than half tell their doctor.  Falling once doubles your chances of falling again.

Although falls may not cause injury, one out of five falls cause serious injury such as broken bones or head injury.  Each year, millions of older adults are treated in emergency rooms or hospitalized due to an injury caused by a fall. This result sin billions of dollars of medical costs, most being beared by Medicare and Medicaid.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself From Falls:

1.   Visit your healthcare providers

have them do a thorough check-up to include your vision and review your medications. Many medications can influence factors that can cause falls. For example, some medications have side effects that affect your balance and cognition, or blood pressure medications can lower BP too much, causing orthostatic hypotension, which can cause vertigo or syncope and lead to a fall.  

2.   Wear sensible shoes

Consider changing your footwear as part of your fall prevention plan. High heels, floppy slippers, and shoes with slick soles can make you slip, stumble and fall. So can walking in your stocking feet. Instead, wear properly fitting, sturdy, flat shoes with nonskid soles. Sensible shoes may also reduce joint pain

3.  Stay strong and active

falls can be a factor in weak lower extremities, core muscles, and balance impairments. The more active you can be, the better your balance and strength remain. Look for local community classes or walk with a friend.

4.   Use assistive devices

if you have balance problems, use assistive devices recommended by your healthcare providers. Reaching for surrounding furniture and walls to assist with balance makes you reach outside your center of gravity, causing more significant challenges.

5.  Eliminate household fall hazards

Keep your floors free from area/throw rugs. They are tripping hazards. Keep on low light or nightlights so walkways are better illuminated. Keep walkways free from clutter. Have railings on stairways. If you use glasses for distance, make sure you wear them when you are up and walking. Install grab bars in bathrooms, especially inside and outside of the shower and next to the toilet.

Learn how we can reduce the risk of falls and hospital readmissions by contacting us today.

*(Time Line information source from NationalToday: Falls Prevention Awareness Day,address%20this%20public%20health%20issue.
*(Informationsource from CDC -Older Adult Fall Prevention

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